We couldn't do all we do without the help of our volunteers. Thank you for your interest!

We offer two types of volunteer opportunities: direct and indirect.
Direct volunteering involves working directly with our participants, such as helping at events like our Basketball League, Friday Fun Fests, Spring Fling, Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Day Camp, Fall Sports Festival, Christmas Camp, and more. You can also choose to volunteer with our Adult Program which meets four days per week.
Indirect volunteering involves supporting our organization behind the scenes, such as assisting with fundraisers, serving on committees, or helping create our newsletter. Indirect activities include events like the Empower Me Center Luncheon, Whip Crackin’ Rodeo Special Events Day, Special Needs Day at the Wilson County/TN State Fair, Dice and DREAMS Casino Night, and assembling our newsletter twice a year.
If you are interested in volunteering for a specific event, please fill out our form below!